Today at the greenhouse B... and Al... gave me the task of cleaning up the climbing vines in room C3. It didn’t take very long to accomplish. The room is kept fairly chilly since it represents temperate forests in winter dormancy. I was glad to be wearing two layers today. Vine bench in room C3 In the same room, C3, they had me climb up on one of the benches along the wall to prune a few of the climbing bushes clinging to a metal trellis. I also trimmed a few small bushes on one of the other low benches (I’m hoping I didn’t kill one of them because I think I removed a bit too much of the plant…50% or so). Finally, I scrubbed the leaves of one of the vines. They were partly covered in sooty mold, and looking unsightly.
A blog account of gardening from a high-rise apartment in a cold climate.