When I arrived, Curator J... and Coordinator A... were both in meetings. J was meeting online, seated in the workroom with his computer open. As I learned later, Coordinator A was meeting in person with the building consultant who originally designed the greenhouse several years ago. He was discussing the design features he had built into the greenhouse, some which might not be fully in use. Since they were both occupied with their meetings, I had to find something to do with my time. I selected a plant sticky with "honeydew" from scale insect infestation and began to clean the honeydew and sooty mold off from plant leaves and stems. I selected the plant in room 1C because "A" has planned to focus on this room while the weather is still mild, and it is warm enough to work in the room comfortably. I chose the plant Podocarpus matudae (I'm fairly sure I cleaned this very plant a few weeks ago...):
Podocarpus matudae |
Coordinator A finished his meeting with the greenhouse designer, then found me to assign my next task: to clean and repot 4 of the small plants in room 3C. They are either overgrown, or infested with mealybugs, or both conditions for one of the plants. The plants were: Zephyranthes minuta, Scilla peruviana, Cyrtanthus sanguineus, and Hippeastrum species:
Hippeastrum species
Zephyranthes minuta, Scilla peruviana, Cyrtanthus sanguineus
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